ShareTheMicInCyber Spotlight: Meet Elyse Robinson


Let’s get to know you! Who are you and what do you like to spend your time on? 

My name is Elyse Robinson and I am a Black American woman that lives in Mexico. I am the Director of Information Technology at NewsIn.IT which helps individuals start an IT career or helps those already in IT increase their salary. Before COVID, I spent my time exploring Mexico and adding to my website, blog, YouTube channel, and podcast about life in Mexico as a Black American woman.

What was your path to your current role in security and/or privacy, or other role? What made your path unique?

I am a self-taught programmer and started at the age of 10. I attended college and started in computer science but couldn't find an internship after applying to over 1,000 jobs so I switched to accounting. I became an Auditor which gave me project management, writing, communication, and data analysis skills. I had to quit my life to take care of my mother and family during her battle with blood cancer. I moved to Mexico to mourn and fell back on my IT skills and learned about the Cloud. In the past 4 years, I consulted here and there putting people into the Cloud. Then, I decided during my stay in the house due to COVID that I would learn a new programming language and that reminded me of my first I then created NewsIn.IT since I was already searching for resources for myself and built a business around my successes of not paying for courses and certifications. I recently accepted a position as a Cloud Engineer and am awaiting a start date.

How did the WISP ShareTheMicInCyber scholarship impact your life? Which certs, exams, or classes did you take? What are your achievements and how are your goals going?

I was racking my brain on how I would pay for the certifications to transition into an IT career as a Cloud Engineer. I found out about ShareTheMicinCyber on Twitter and applied for a scholarship and got it! I am now studying for my CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor), ISO 9001 and ISO 27701 Lead Auditor training. I completed ISO 27001 Lead Auditor training.

What are your goals and aspirations? What are you working towards? If there is a way others can support you in those goals, feel free to include that here!

My goal is to obtain a leadership role in the future as the Director of Security, Risk, Audit, and Governance. Right now, you can support me by subscribing to NewsIn.IT on my website, and following my blog, YouTube channel, and podcast for my new life as a Cloud Engineer. And if you're looking for a future leader in your organization, I'm your woman!


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