Individual Donations

By donating to WISP, you are:

Large group of WISP members

Supporting Diversity and Inclusion

Member giving a speech

Empowering Career Growth

Two members at an event

Fostering Innovation and Thought Leadership

Donate Monthly

Fits your budget: With small payments spread out month to month, becoming a monthly donor can fit into your budget. Even small amounts make a huge impact in driving forward the WISP mission.

Convenient: Your donation to WISP is automatic each month, and you can change the amount or cancel at any time.

Impact: Monthly donors to WISP make a huge impact by providing reliable, ongoing donations to support women and underrepresented communities to lead the future of security and privacy.

Make a one-time donation

Donate online

Conveniently donate securely online.

Please download the donation form and use it as a cover letter for your donation. Make your check payable to Women in Security and Privacy and mail the donation form and check to:

Donate by mail

Women in Security and Privacy

1000 Rolling Woods Way

Concord, CA 94521

Matching Gifts — Double the Impact of Your Donation

Your gift to Women in Security and Privacy could be matched dollar for dollar by your employer! Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees, retirees and/or employees’ spouses.

If your company offers matching gifts, you can use the following information to support the matched donation:

  • Nonprofit Name: Women in Security and Privacy

  • Tax ID/EIN: 83-1217303

  • Address: 1000 Rolling Woods Way, Concord, CA 94521

  • Email: [email protected]

Honor and Memorial Gifts

A thoughtful way to honor a special person or to offer a memorial gift is through a donation in someone’s honor to Women in Security and Privacy. An e-card will be sent to the person acknowledging your gift, and you will also receive an acknowledgment for your records.

Perfect gift for the hard-to-buy-for recipient and ideal as a last-minute gift for any occasion.

  • In honor of someone special

  • Special occasion or celebration

  • Achievement

  • Holiday or birthday gift

  • In memory of a loved one


By including Women in Security and Privacy in your estate plans, you can ensure the continued advancement of women and underrepresented communities to lead the future of security and privacy beyond your lifetime.

The following language may help you and your attorney when drawing up a bequest that meets your needs.

“After taking care of all expenses, debts and other provisions, I give, devise and bequeath ___ percent of the rest and residue [or $___ if a specific amount] to Women in Security and Privacy, a charitable organization [Tax ID# 83-1217303] currently with the mailing address at 1000 Rolling Woods Way, Concord, CA 94521.”

Thank you for supporting women and underrepresented people in security and privacy!