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Women In Cybersecurity Conference

WISP Board Member Anna Rücker will be speaking about WISP's Tandems program on a panel at the Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Conference!

Data Science of Mentoring to Drive Growth in a Cybersecurity Career

This panel will focus on how to develop a productive mentoring relationship that leads to growth in a cybersecurity career. Constant career growth to remain relevant both in the vertical and horizontal career path is crucial in the ever evolving cybersecurity field. Have you ever wondered why you need a mentor to grow or how can you be an effective mentor? How does a mentor impact your career progression?


  • Tolu Onireti (Ernst & Young),
  • Deirde Warner (Cisco),
  • Anna Ruecker (WISP)
March 24

GDPR 1.0: The Top 10 Things You Need to Know

April 3

Ignite 2016 Cybersecurity Conference