CodeChix - BayArea presents OWASP Tech Talk- Open Web App Security Project
Sponsored by WISP
This talk will introduce students to Open Web App Security Project (OWASP), an open-source, community-driven project focused on web and mobile security. We’ll explore the most prolific OWASP project, the OWASP Top 10. This project, active for over a decade, lists the 10 most significant categories of security vulnerabilities currently in the wild. This introductory talk will expose students to these vulnerabilities, ranging from well-known issues such as SQL Injection to more obscure, but very common, issues like Cross-Site Request Forgery. Students will learn how each of these 10 issues are created, how they can be abused, the impact of exploiting them, and how they can be avoided.
WISP is sponsoring this event and provided the speaker.
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